Monday, August 25, 2014

Paying Dearly for My Raising

Jackson is just like me when I am completely unleashed.  That is why I understand him so well because I can relate to his restless, adventurous spirit.  However, I had a fear factor, a father, that he lacks.  I was more rule bound like Holland as a child because I strongly believed that either of my dads would use their military training to take me out if I misbehaved!

With Jackson I have met my match. The other night I helped him with his homework and I was afraid I would kill him before the night was over.  It took us about two hours to do 10 minutes of homework. His assignment was to read five pages and "study his spelling words."  He complained and complained and complained, then read fine.  I told him to write his spelling words while I helped Austin.  He did absolutely everything else under the sun except for write!  I would tell him to do his homework and he would look all wide-eyed and innocent and say something like, "Who me, I am finished with my homework assignment.  Writing spelling words was not my assignment. Oh, excuse me, do you mean your imaginary assignment?  OK, fine, supplemental if you find imaginary offensive."  blah blah blah  Even after he finished writing his words, he kept on about my imaginary extra credit assignments that I create to torture my children.

Jackson has been in school nine days this year.  I have received six written notes and a phone call from the teacher about his behavior.  When the teacher recommended I have Jackson tested for ADHD, it was the fourth teacher and sixth school official I had heard this from and I caved.  Changing his diet, supplements and oils aren't working enough.

Today, we went for our evaluation. The preliminary assessment/observation is that he is not ADHD but has a higher IQ and is bored and needs cognitive behavior therapy to learn to control his impulses.They have recommended he take tests I can't afford which require me to take time off from work that I don't have.  Somehow, I pray this all works out for us in the end and that tomorrow I will find more answers.

Exhausted from the stress of the assessment, I took Jax for a celebratory milk shake.  We went to pay the utility bill to avoid having the power cut off (AC and Internet are GOOD things:) and then we picked the other children up from school.  Holland was exhausted from our weekend trip and she wanted to skip dance and go home to take a nap before soccer.  Normally, I'm strict about not missing practice but we are ten months out from recital and I am always down for a nap, so why not!  We went home and laid down for a quick power nap before regrouping and heading to the soccer fields for practices.

When I laid down with Holland, I turned the TV in my room on and told the boys they could watch TV but they were not to leave the room.  Everyone needed to relax even if they did not want to sleep. I told Austin to sit by me and not move and had Jackson sit in a chair across the room and they happily complied.  When I woke up, Austin was still sitting next to me.  He had a roll of blue painters tape and had taped his legs together and had almost completed his "mermaid tail."  When he realized I was awake and looking at him, he said to me, "You have to help me!  I'm stuck in a sticky situation!" and just starts laughing at his own joke.

I am tired.  Very tired.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you have fun, interesting, smart kiddos. Good job, mom!
