Thursday, August 21, 2014

Morning Fire Drill

Someday, I aspire for my family not to wake up in panic mode but today was not the day.  

There was lots of morning rushing about and panicked calls about forgotten homework and various other distress calls and minor emergencies.  I dressed Austin (5) while he was still in bed and then rushed to put the garbage out.  Beat that garbage truck with a few house stops to spare.  Jackson complained that I interrupted his morning squirrel hunting to force him to brush his teeth.  Holland completed her math homework in the car while simultaneously listing off all of her life grievances.  In the end, the kids were all impressed that I had remembered to check all binders and even included their football ribbon money.  There is progress in there somewhere.  

After dropping everyone off only 7 minutes behind schedule and still early for school (by our standards), I felt pretty accomplished for a few seconds.  That is when I remembered Holland squealing at me about the hatred of the ballet unitard I had packed for her.  The realization that she may or may not be prepared for her dance lesson this afternoon struck fear in me.  Going with the let them fail and learn from consequences theory, I did not turn back.

Arriving at work, I realized I am a hot mess.  Wearing open toed shoes and I only have six toenails painted.  How is that even possible?  Must stay at my desk as much as possible.  A quick glance in the mirror revealed a mysterious stain on my shirt that makes me look as if I had a freak breast milk accident.  Nothing that a cardigan in 90+ degree weather will not fix.  This show must go on.

At lunch I went to the gym and lifted weights, so I will most likely be unable to walk tomorrow.  On the way back from the gym, I stopped to play beer goggle soccer with the university police.  You read that right.  One of the things I love about working at a university is the campus lifestyle.  While enjoying my hard earned free hot dog, pig prepared by a pig if you will, someone asked me about my blog!  Can you believe?

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