Friday, February 12, 2016

Survival Mode Mom: Just Say NO to DIY Valentine's

As a single working parent, I have to pace myself and my children's activities.  We have to be careful where we spend our resources including our time and energy.  We are not keeping up with The Jones, ever, and I have lost any desire to try.  Everything we do HAS to be in moderation, even our level of school holiday participation.

When the school flier came home about "the box", I was flattered at the opportunity to "help" my first grade boy create a Pinterest worthy Valentine's card box.  Briefly, I entertained the idea and fantasized about the adorable photo I could post online.  Then, I remembered the gingerbread house we slaved over for hours that the boys took outside and jumped on and smashed to pieces just to watch it explode.  With two small boys, my reality is that craft projects do not turn into heirlooms, they turn into trash rather quickly.

Considering we have around three hours together every evening, the prospect of spending those with my son using sharp objects, permanent marks and us gluing our fingers together grew less and less appealing.  Plus, when you consider those three hours has to also include dinner, baths and other homework and sport activities for all the kids, I knew this craft project would end up in a grump match and me sending him off to bed while I stayed up and finished the project myself.  No thank you, I have served my own time in first grade!
Last night, the kids and I ventured out for Valentine's supplies after dinner.  Imagine my surprise when we found a ready-made Valentine's card box!  Whoever had this idea is brilliant and I just want to give them a shout out and tell them I LOVE YOU, Happy Valentine's Day!  We were able to complete all our shopping without anyone having an emotional meltdown.  All the kids even completed their own cards before their bedtime.  We actually enjoyed each other's company last night.

So, here is to our completely store-bought, commercialized Valentine's Day that gave me time to love on my children a little more.  Loving the kids is something that will never make me feel guilty and if it takes a store-bought item presented by my actual children themselves, then so be it.  Judge away!  

Besides, what are the odds that a six year old boy could even transport said box to school without it being disassembled?  This isn't going to be a sentimental item to him.  It would be destroyed, at best, by dark the night of his party.  That is if he didn't tear it apart to get to candy-grams during the party.

Austin's stress free card box

Jackson's cards that he addressed himself in record time.
Why haven't I thought of this???

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